Booking an appointment
Booking is easy!
Simply fill in the owner registration form online and press submit
I’ll get in touch with you to arrange a suitable day and time
I will arrange for veterinary consent from your vet, if I’ve not seen your dog/horse within the past 12 months. Please note this is a legal requirement for any animal requiring Physiotherapy treatment unless the appointment is purely for a well-being assessment and massage.
If you’d like to have a chat regarding your animals suitability for Physiotherapy before booking, please get in touch
Horses: £80 first visit £70 follow up 2 Hours
Dogs: £60 first visit £55 follow up 30 - 45 mins
Inclusive of up to 30 miles travel
Inclusive of electrotherapies used where part of the treatment plan
Package of 6 treatments. Horse £300 Dog £250
Horse/Dog £35
£10 - £35 per week
ARC Equine microcurrent device. Pulsed electromagnetic therapy device. Red light therapy device.
0 - 30 miles £0
30 - 40 miles £10
40 - 50 miles £20
Over 50 miles - please contact me